Loved Pet Memorial

Memorials to Loved Pets

As long as we remember, our well-loved pets will live on in our memory.
Listed here are memorials to those we wish to remember - living forever in our hearts.
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I will never forget you; I will never find another soul like yours, Shelli
Pet: Dog Born : 2011 Departed : 2021 Age : 10 Country : United States
From 8 weeks old if she had the choice to run with Molli or stay with me, she'd never leave my side. She was so smart, loving, pretty, funny- gone too soon. Treating for Kidney Disease but it may have been a brain tumor. It's hard w/o you being you girls' Mommy was who I was - I don't know what else to be. I would've given my life for you. I hope you didn't suffer. I wish we could've had more time. Sorry 4 sometimes being 2 busy & u having 2 wait & 4 any disappointments. I'll miss u & lvu 4ever.
Submitted: 10-Apr-21

Bruni, The best Dog ever. , Bruni
Pet: Dog Born : 2008 Departed : 2021 Age : 13 Country : India
We lost our kid on 8th April, 2021 at 9 pm. She was very sweet and cute. We loved her like we love babies.She was one in a billion, there's no one like her, and there never'll be
Submitted: 09-Apr-21

In Loving memory of Travis, Travis
Pet: Tortoise Born : 2020 Departed : 2021 Age : 1 Country : Other
The littlest but bravest terrapin in our family. Always getting bullied but had stayed resilient and courageous.
Always loved and remembered by us. .
Submitted: 09-Apr-21

My dear pet frog, Butter, Butter
Pet: - Born : 2021 Departed : 2021 Age : 0 Country : United States
Butter - I’m so sorry that I wasn’t able to save you buddy. Either you were weak or sick before I got you and your brothers, but I am sorry I couldn’t do more for you. Love you forever.
Submitted: 08-Apr-21

I will never forget you; I will never find another soul like yours, Molli
Pet: Dog Born : 2006 Departed : 2020 Age : 14 Country : United States
Molli was so aggressive when we got her but all that melted away & she was a such a good girl, trained Shelli our younger beagle, played catch, caught a mouse, she could speak, sit and lick faces. Her eyes were true window a beautiful soul. Molli developed a cancerous goiter on thigh at 13 and somehow developed pancreatis & quickly lost quality of life from that. She transitioned here at home with her family, her urn sits high by front door so all who enter can pay their respects as they enter
Submitted: 27-Mar-21

Farewell our funny T.V. Buddy, Midnight Max Meador
Pet: Cat Born : 2004 Departed : 2021 Age : 17 Country : United States
We lost Midnight today due to a inoperable tumor under his tongue. He was so fun. He would sit on my lap like a kid and watch tv. If I took my hands away from his belly he would grab them with his front paws and pull them back. I would move him like he was dancing to movies like mama mia and he would purr the whole time. He would also eat weird things like corn leaves and olive juice. We never let him get anything that would hurt him though. He was fun and loveable and we will miss him.
Submitted: 04-Mar-21

To my longtime friend and companion, Cleopatra Meador
Pet: Cat Born : 2000 Departed : 2020 Age : 20 Country : United States
I got Cleo when she was 10 months old and she was my friend through many years and in a cat's way helped me raise my two children. She was kind of a grumpy cat but when she decided to cuddle she would purr loudly and want to be petted. She had a time accepting the 3 cats my wife brought to the house but eventually they all became friends. She lost the race with time and had to go join the two that went before her on the rainbow bridge. I will miss you old girl and thanks for the memories.
Submitted: 04-Mar-21

Love you forever Lilleybelle, Tilley
Pet: Dog Born : 2011 Departed : 2020 Age : 9 Country : United Kingdom
Hey Lilleybelle.... one year without you.
Hope you are still playing ball and in n out of the water as you loved to do. Still talk to you everyday, hope you hear me x stay close to Nanny and Saff, see you at the bridge when it’s my time x love you long time x
Submitted: 17-Feb-21

Love you forever, Telsa
Pet: Dog Born : 2008 Departed : 2021 Age : 13 Country : United States
Tesla, you came to us as a stray and ended up with our heart and would. You were the best girly girl, sweet pea a person could have. Those were your nicknames. You were smart and funny. You made us laugh and filled our hearts with joy and happiness. You are with the Lord now and he will take care of you till we see you again. You were the best part of my day. You were compassionate and loving all the time. You loved your meatballs. We Love You Tesla, and we will never forget you.
Submitted: 13-Feb-21

Pets Remembrance - Virtual Online Pet Memorials