Loved Pet Memorial

Memorials to Loved Pets

As long as we remember, our well-loved pets will live on in our memory.
Listed here are memorials to those we wish to remember - living forever in our hearts.
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For my loyal friend and companion, Buddy loveless
Pet: - Born : 2022 Departed : 2023 Age : 1 Country : Canada
You are the best fish i have ever had
Submitted: 16-Feb-23

Love you forever duke, Duke
Pet: Dog Born : 2007 Departed : 2022 Age : 15 Country : United Kingdom
It been 6 months since you let me duke it been so hard without you hope your with your brothers rocky♥️Zak♥️max♥️ love you always miss you so much♥️❤️♥️love mammy xxx
Submitted: 08-Feb-23

never forgotten, ralph
Pet: Cat Born : 2007 Departed : 2019 Age : 12 Country : New Zealand
dear Ralph, after 4 years have passed you are still and always will be missed. love you, mummy
Submitted: 04-Feb-23

Thank you for your support, your love and patience, Shena
Pet: Dog Born : 2004 Departed : 2022 Age : 18 Country : United Kingdom
So sad my little Jack Russel passed away gone to rainbow bridge with she she all the other dogs she was my dad dog he went to heaven nearly 5 years ago I’ve looked after Shena since now she with her angel dad forever ♥️love you all always ♥️love Liam xxx
Submitted: 31-Jan-23

Another year without you…., Sapphire
Pet: Dog Born : 1998 Departed : 2011 Age : 13 Country : United Kingdom
Hey Saf Saf…. 12 years without you. I hope you’re still playing and swimming up there. Bet your nannies are giving you lovely cuddles and belly rubs. Will always miss my shadow, now - forever - and always xx
Give Nannies and Tilley an extra special cuddle from me x
Until we meet again….. x❤️
Submitted: 30-Jan-23

To my beloved little "Alien Eyes",, Morgan Lee
Pet: Cat Born : 2003 Departed : 2022 Age : 19 Country : United States
There hasn't been a day since you've left that I haven't broken down. You were my rock, and I could always count on you to have an opinion on everything. I don't know if there's anything after this, but I truly hope we'll meet again. I ask that you send my love to the others who've crossed over before you did and for them and you to continue watching over us. I miss you so incredibly much, my dear Emmy Empress, and I am so distraught and lost without you. Thank you for your patience and love.
Submitted: 29-Jan-23

Thank you for your support, your love and patience, Shena
Pet: Dog Born : 2002 Departed : 2023 Age : 21 Country : United Kingdom
Today is the day Shena my dad dog passed away little Jack Russel she at rainbow bridge with my other dog she she all my other pets are with a special angle my dad ♥️love and miss you all so much ????love Liam xxx rip Shena ♥️????love Antie elly xxx♥️????
Submitted: 21-Jan-23

Love you forever, Piglet skittles
Pet: Dog Born : 2019 Departed : 2022 Age : 3 Country : United States
I miss you little bud. Especially your mom . Please watch over her she needs you right now she is so lost without you . I miss you bud - sissy
Submitted: 26-Dec-22

Merry heavily Christmas duke, Duke
Pet: Dog Born : 2007 Departed : 2022 Age : 15 Country : United Kingdom
♥️♥️♥️love n miss you always duke♥️♥️♥️love forever mammy ♥️♥️♥️hope your with your brothers rocky Zak max ♥️♥️♥️ 4 months has passed since I seen your face put in heart you always stay I miss you more and more every day have a heavley Christmas with your brothers ♥️♥️♥️love forever mam♥️♥️♥️♥️
Submitted: 25-Dec-22

Pets Remembrance - Virtual Online Pet Memorials