Memorials to Loved Pets
As long as we remember, our well-loved pets will live on in our memory.
Listed here are memorials to those we wish to remember - living forever in our hearts. |
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For my loyal friend and companion, Buddy loveless
Pet: - Born : 2022 Departed : 2023 Age : 1
Country : Canada |
You are the best fish i have ever had
Love you forever duke, Duke
Pet: Dog Born : 2007 Departed : 2022 Age : 15
Country : United Kingdom |
It been 6 months since you let me duke it been so hard without you hope your with your brothers rocky♥️Zak♥️max♥️ love you always miss you so much♥️❤️♥️love mammy xxx
never forgotten, ralph
Pet: Cat Born : 2007 Departed : 2019 Age : 12
Country : New Zealand |
dear Ralph, after 4 years have passed you are still and always will be missed. love you, mummy
Thank you for your support, your love and patience, Shena
Pet: Dog Born : 2004 Departed : 2022 Age : 18
Country : United Kingdom |
So sad my little Jack Russel passed away gone to rainbow bridge with she she all the other dogs she was my dad dog he went to heaven nearly 5 years ago I’ve looked after Shena since now she with her angel dad forever ♥️love you all always ♥️love Liam xxx
Another year without you…., Sapphire
Pet: Dog Born : 1998 Departed : 2011 Age : 13
Country : United Kingdom |
Hey Saf Saf…. 12 years without you. I hope you’re still playing and swimming up there. Bet your nannies are giving you lovely cuddles and belly rubs. Will always miss my shadow, now - forever - and always xx
Give Nannies and Tilley an extra special cuddle from me x
Until we meet again….. x❤️
To my beloved little "Alien Eyes",, Morgan Lee
Pet: Cat Born : 2003 Departed : 2022 Age : 19
Country : United States |
There hasn't been a day since you've left that I haven't broken down. You were my rock, and I could always count on you to have an opinion on everything. I don't know if there's anything after this, but I truly hope we'll meet again. I ask that you send my love to the others who've crossed over before you did and for them and you to continue watching over us. I miss you so incredibly much, my dear Emmy Empress, and I am so distraught and lost without you. Thank you for your patience and love.
Thank you for your support, your love and patience, Shena
Pet: Dog Born : 2002 Departed : 2023 Age : 21
Country : United Kingdom |
Today is the day Shena my dad dog passed away little Jack Russel she at rainbow bridge with my other dog she she all my other pets are with a special angle my dad ♥️love and miss you all so much ????love Liam xxx rip Shena ♥️????love Antie elly xxx♥️????
Love you forever, Piglet skittles
Pet: Dog Born : 2019 Departed : 2022 Age : 3
Country : United States |
I miss you little bud. Especially your mom . Please watch over her she needs you right now she is so lost without you . I miss you bud - sissy
Merry heavily Christmas duke, Duke
Pet: Dog Born : 2007 Departed : 2022 Age : 15
Country : United Kingdom |
♥️♥️♥️love n miss you always duke♥️♥️♥️love forever mammy ♥️♥️♥️hope your with your brothers rocky Zak max ♥️♥️♥️ 4 months has passed since I seen your face put in heart you always stay I miss you more and more every day have a heavley Christmas with your brothers ♥️♥️♥️love forever mam♥️♥️♥️♥️
Pets Remembrance - Virtual Online Pet Memorials |